Monday, July 7, 2014

Analyze this: Nigerian Politics 1

It is a drainer when you talk and think about it and talking about it has the potential of giving you a heart attack that no medicine can cure. It makes you live in a moment of anger and whatever the other person says will only make you angrier and for the destructive mind, it usually ends in mayhem, blackmail, counter blackmail, assassination, hooliganism, cheating, militancy, rituals etc.
Politics is the most lucrative sector in Nigeria and it has an annual budget that runs into Billions of Naira with no processes of accountability and control. Politics today is being credited with killings of innocent Nigerians and insurgency that has been declared the worst in the history of our dear nation. Everything is politicized and no one cares about the other when they get there. Elected leaders have stopped being leaders to become thugs who will do anything to secure their turf at all cost including the spilling of innocent blood, and as the First lady rightly cried out "they are sharing blood".

Without politicization of issues, we would have gone far in terms of development as a nation and that would have been a good thing for Nigeria because we are gradually and swiftly becoming intellectually wise to our surroundings and we are ourselves becoming our brother's keepers. But we both know that idea of finding good in politics has been changed and everyone is become a "militant" of some sort.

The obstacle rolled out by our politicians for whoever "chooses" to make a difference or even move a cause for good reasons are numerous and enormous and they don't only come as obstacles, they come with threats to life and property, character assassination, bullying etc.
One of such was the #BringBackOurGirls campaign that is still ringing worldwide with groups protesting for the release of over 234 schoolgirls abducted by the dreaded Boko Haram. Some notorious political dogs went on social media and on the streets of Nigeria to tell the world that no girls were kidnapped and that it was the doing of the opposition party and this exactly brings me to the PDP and APC saga which I am very sure will spell doom for Nigeria in the not too distant future. Everything is a way to score a cheap political point and for these guys, they fight dirty.

The nonperformance of elected persons trusted with the wealth of the State or Nation is celebrated and rewarded with a second term while performance attracts stiff penalties and immediate replacement with ex-convicts; and it is only in Nigeria I have come to in recent times seen the continuous maiming of credibility. Truth has become nonexistent and we are being gradually forced to accept the "Banana Republic" way of leadership where food stuffs are used to pay the people for 4 years of looting without retreat. It is common site of politicians giving out branded bags of Rice, Sugar, Aso ebi etc to voters in return for their votes and confidence to "Remain Silent" through the next 4 years and take whatever comes.

It is with the sick idea of politicizing everything that the president of Nigeria has on the social media space over a dozen goons who come to rant about "Refurbished roads", "Refurbished train coaches running on old technology" Empowerment of some select individuals", "Provision of non existent buses", etc as achievements of a government who have left in her wake hundreds of thousands of lives lost and I am not even going to talk about the monies being looted by individuals who can still look you in the eyes after stealing and tell you to go to hell.

Everything is politicized and no matter who's Ox is gored, everything must be interpreted as political. Take for instance the complaint by well meaning Nigerian's on the lackadaisical attitude of the president towards security issues are answered with threats of a war by his kinsmen who think "their brother" is being discriminated against because of his tribe. We have become slaves to the rebirth of politics and no matter how much we rant on social media, it will only get worse because the tactics of the government has been to starve the people by portraying it as no fault of theirs only to later "throw a bone to the dog" when they please.

Nigeria Politics is a do or die affair and many persons have made the "do or die" statements that have in some ways been identified as the cause of the present insecurity in the land. The lives of well meaning  and law abiding Nigerians are on daily snuffed out by the Nigerian Politics that says, "the failure of a serving leader is as a result of the distractions being created by the opposition party". Recently, events are unfolding that shows that its only criminals that can really win political slots in Nigeria and so far the count is just begun and we are before the end of this 2014 expected to get more surprises.

"Step aside all you saints, politics is for the rogues", but then, are these rogues meant to lord it over the saints???

Nigerian Politics is a Do or Die affair where criminals are being chosen over the right standing man in the eyes of God and man.
The various security agencies in Nigeria have become so embedded in politics that they even are being rumored to facilitate most of the insurgencies in the North East of Nigeria and Abuja of late, WHY? well, it is said that with the unrest and the number of attacks experienced on daily basis, more monies are being released to these units to handle the situation but as dysfunctional as we have become as a people, the "Ogas at the Top" share these loots between themselves while sending innocent Nigerians to get slaughtered by the Militants who have become powerful by the bidding of these "Ogas".

Nigerian Politics has succeeded in instilling a no trust policy on the people towards the government and this has in some ways too aided the increase of the insurgents hold on a nation of 160million persons where common criminals that ordinarily should be behind bars calling the shots and making genuine taxpayers and country men eat off their hands.
We have become blinded by a quest to keep playing the blame game founded on ethnic, political and social class that we are on daily basis "sharing blood".

The abduction of the Chibok girls from their school and killing of innocent Nigerians in the North East and Abuja of late are politically motivated;
The call to accountability of the President for not doing enough to allay the fears of "ordinary" Nigerians in a time where anyone can be bombed to the clouds is politically motivated;
The just concluded Ekiti Election where an ex governor who was outed from office some time back defeated an incumbent is politically motivated;
The inability of the Government of Nigeria to probe corrupt leaders and the continuous assault of the former CBN governor for crying "thief thief" is politically motivated;
The arrest of some persons suspected to be Boko Haram militants in Abia State is also politically motivated; the reason why there will be war if the serving president "doesn't win in 2015 is politically motivated;
The continuous deprivation of the Nigerian people is politically motivated; the continuous neglect of the well being of the general populace while some select few are being well cared for and fed is politically motivated no doubt but by whom is where we all are at a lost...... and this article by no doubt is politically motivated as are you reading it.

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