Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Is Corruption a Nigerian?

Whenever the word CORRUPTION is mentioned and then discussed, we get over a million ideas of how it thrives in our society, and when I say Society, I mean Nigeria and this begs the question to be asked thus:- Is Corruption a Nigerian?

I think yes mostly and many people will be quick to say yes as it looks like it is a wonder boy born with a silver spoon and hence has the opportunity to access places unattainable by the common man. Corruption wines and dines with the mighty men and women in secret and that was supposed to be the case, but in our country Nigeria, Corruption is suddenly King and even robes itself as a clergy man and officiates from the highest pulpit.

When I searched the word corruption through one of these search engines, it gave 17,300,000 results and after the first two stories, the third was tagged "Corruption in Nigeria". Now this is on the internet and I am sure if yo scroll down more and turn the pages, it will be all about Nigeria and this makes you just wonder.

The Nigeria of our dream is more like a far fetched one that more and more looks farther from the dream we have as a people particularly and as a collection of individually different people in general. I will never stop talking about that period in the history of Nigeria when things worked and the people were sane and full of dignity and corruption was frowned upon and persons found wanting are made to face the music.

There were days back then when we have respect for rule of law and a Name meant more than money but today, the way the politicians have modeled and re-branded "Criminality", no one wants to be found "taking last" and everybody is suddenly an embodiment of the devil himself; and we are the people who now religiously practice the "if you can't beat them, join them" phrase and we could get beaten to death by family members if we fail to embezzle monies while in office of authority.

In fact, we have perfected the corruption art and act that the learner most often becomes the teacher, with the teacher becoming more like a University professor. Nigeria is a country blessed with so much natural resources and manpower and her biggest undoing has been a sect of the manpower, less than 1 freaking percent actually.
The greedy quest to be a Nigerian leader leads these persons to dungeons deep down in their hearts with really sharp fangs and claws and when it is done, corruption becomes like a carrot and like the Easter bunny, the chase is unrestricted and like cancer, the rot keeps spreading to every section of the economy leaving a trail of dirt and death in its wake. It is really so pathetic that the below lines credited to one Mr. Agazie hits the nail straight- " Corruption is well and thriving well in Nigeria without signs of letting up because (1) it seems to be everywhere, indeed encouraged; and (2) Nigerians are a greedy people with an insatiable appetite for material possessions fueled by a desire to follow their corrupt leaders’ footpath."

On various social media platforms, major discussions are started on daily basis touching major sectors of the economy that has become a living hell and discomfort to the people when it ordinarily should have been a blessing and a process for learning and growth. More sad is that the general public who form 99percent of the robust economy that we once could be proud has become both predators and prey in their own hands and have resorted to taking it out on themselves. We deserve much more respect than is meted us as a people and whenever we push for the right things, we are called rebels and even called ordinary Nigerians with no understanding of what it entails to be a Politician in Nigeria.

I will not just bother to write too long about the fails and losses we experience as a people but will simply add on a more lighter note, "What will happen if we eventually do get rid of these corrupt leaders? What will it take to get these leaders out? Will the people ever get back to a Nigeria of pride? Can the people live in a society where moral and good character thrive above the pursuit of material gains? Against our better judgement that Corruption has come to stay, can something uniquely different be experienced?

The very core sectors of the thriving Nigerian society has been painted corrupt and this is done with so much disregard for what is right, and the masters of this crazy act display their corrupt nature and are becoming crusaders against all that is good for the purpose of making everyone a corrupt Nigerian or a product of a corrupt Nigeria.

I think we have become too corrupt with the influx of corrupt leaders and policies and have in some ways lost the will to live right and do that which is right and like a wealthy neighbor, Corruption moved into our community and is gradually buying up every property therein with a sole aim of making us all tenants.

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