Friday, December 13, 2013

The Ijaw King

Goodluck Jonathan GCFR
That Goodluck Azikiwe Ebele Jonathan is the President of Nigeria since like forever is not in doubt and that he is the number 1 citizen of Nigeria is still not in doubt and that he is supposed to be the democratically elected President of our dear nation is still not in doubt and that he is making the nation get worried about the increasing rate/level of criminality and corruption is still not in doubt and that he is a staunch PDP member is still yet not in doubt and that he is tagged as “the clueless one” is still not in doubt and that he may be Nigeria’s most hated President is still yet not in doubt and that he is surrounded by cheap thieves and thugs is yet still not in doubt and that he has made it his duty to worry less about the well being of Nigerians and the economy in overall is still yet not in doubt, that is the most corrupt political office holder that has roamed the corridors of power in the history of Nigeria is still not in doubt but that he is a Nigerian as you and I, is seriously in doubt and this is without mincing words true.

From the look of things and the way the country has been steered from decency to immorality and decay, one can be sure to conclude and be seen as concluding rightly that this man is not Nigerian and has no love for the Green White Green Nation.
GEJ no doubt is the Ijaw King and whenever anyone dares to say anything about the president's high handedness and insensitivity to the plight of the Nation, we are reminded that he is Ijaw and that they are the mother of the Nation and nobody can stop him from his quest to run Nigeria aground and then they go on to spin stories of how their brother is "working".

So lets all Hail the Ijaw King because the Ijaw people have constantly made the ills befalling the Nation a no matter and even the so called President of the Ijaw Youth Council went on to say that the achievement of his brother will be difficult to surpass. Makes you wonder right?

The truth may not be far from the fact that President Goodluck Jonathan is only just human as you and I, and was charged with the onerous task of leading Nigeria and giving the people a breath of fresh air. It is however still true that there is no perfect man anywhere in the world and no matter what we do as a people, we will always have people who want or heads, but that doesn't mean we should play the tribal card when the people call out your head for doing the wrong things.
It is profitable to learn from life and that is what everyone thankfully has an opportunity of as we wake up to each new day while others fail to make it.

But in fairness to the office of the President in particular and to Nigerians in general, I am particularly sure I may be saying the truth when I suggest that the President is not a Nigerian. He may as well be campaigned as an Ijaw man but I still want to doubt and will want to follow through with my convictions that he is not a Nigerian. It is a case of a man constantly setting his house on fire because he knows the fireman will put it off.

It is known fact that as Nigerians, the well being and progress of the country should be our utmost priority and when you then get elected to the number one office in the land, you are automatically the custodian of the culture and you are charged with leading by example always bearing in mind that you can only give what you have.

The president has over the last months lived like he is a stranger who's main aim is to Steal, Kill and Destroy the country and then head back to his own country which is being tidied with our resources  for the sole purpose of living in affluence after his "mission" here is done. I will not be surprised if we do eventually hear of a move for an Ijaw Nation and with the way things are going and how "these persons" are talking and behaving like they own the world, anything is short from impossible. 

There is the worry of how he is raising men and women of questionable characters and offering them affluence. These people are in the most important sectors of the economy and the shock of this all is that it is done without recourse to the feelings of the people who are supposed to be a part of the government. Well known Criminals are seen living freely in the corridors of power and going on national TV to boast of what evil they will wreck should we fail to allow this their brother continue his reign of terror and uncertainty.
These persons mostly are of the Ijaw decent and they ave vowed to go any length to preserve the "legacy" of the president and the Ijaw Nation and when you make mention of the failures of this administration under their brother, they tell you he is being victimized because he is Ijaw.

Truth is, GEJ is a victim and he is being victimized because he is an Ijaw man that as presented his "people" before the world as lawless, criminally insane and grossly incompetent, (no disrespect to the Ijaw People that share my view) The happenings in the country is more looting in daylight not minding who's horse is gored and this is done under the watchful eyes of the law while impunity in leadership position thrives and enjoys the protection of the citizenry properly financed with the blood of well meaning Nigerians.

All Hail the Ijaw King and lets hope we live to see a Nigeria free from tyranny and tyrants, free from Corruption and Corrupt individuals, free from Clueless and exceptionally Clueless persons, free from Criminality and Criminally insane persons, free from the hold of tribal sentimentality that promotes criminality, violence and corruption.

God truly bless Nigeria

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