Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Analyze this: APC


APC Reels Out Plans For Members’ RegistrationYou have got to be kidding me, PDP won the election over APC at Ekiti and with someone like Ayo Fayose (he was a major headline sometime back when he was once governor and it bothered on corruption) who we all thought the people of Ekiti will be wise enough to steer clear of. 
Many people swore Ayo Fayose and PDP will never get a vote of the Ekiti people.

Whatever happened to the broom that was supposed to sweep PDP out of town forever?

Oouch!!! Is Change really this flawed?

The PDP who I will be tagging as the defending champion of the title to be the most loved party in Nigeria is not letting down on her resolve to remain relevant despite the various allegations of incompetence and neglect of the Nigerian people and her supposed project. The chief husbandman of the party is President Goodluck Jonathan and that one's record of incompetency stinks to the lowest pits but then, from the just concluded Ekiti Gubernatorial election you can see that he (President Jonathan) may not be the one with the problems, but Nigerians who "are quick" to judge.
If the recent occurrences in Nigeria especially at the display of the Government's failings as per security is anything to go, then being quick to judge isn't such a bad idea and one would expect the gods of the land to take sides against GEJ and PDP by helping the people displace the party that has been credited with taking Nigeria through the valley of the shadows of death and near death experiences.

I am a liberal democrat if you will or a "no party man" but I actually was and still is in support of the emergence of a new party that would question the political decisions and processes of the ruling party and also be a "light bearer" for a New Nigeria. Sadly enough, I am now one of those that even before the Ekiti election, I told couple of guys that APC was going down and that "evil as it were in the shape of PDP will prevail over the good that appeared in the shape of APC" because as humans, we are wise enough to know that the devil we are familiar with is easy to deal and live with than with a promised angel whose mode of operations are yet unknown.
APC will sanitise Nigeria Politics - Gov. Babangida Aliyu



~The All Progressives Congress was formed in February 2013, the party is the result of an alliance by Nigeria's four biggest opposition parties - the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), the All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP), and a faction of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) and the aim of this merger was to take PDP down as against giving the Nigerian people an alternative.

~The APC's leadership that emerged as a result of the merger were people with scores to settle and they went on to continually build the party on that foundation instead of starting out like a new breed party aiming at promising what the PDP failed to deliver "Fresh Breath of Transformation".
When a dozen persons come together to bring down a common enemy with whom they had previously dinned and later fallen out of favor with and each is still bent on carrying out their revenge exclusively of the other, you have seen a dozen new enemies fighting against themselves through a pact.

~Becoming a card holding member of the opposition party was supposed to be a sign of a really fresh air and genuine pointer towards a party that could offer what the Nigerian people have long needed, "Real Change and an all round Transformation". The APC membership registration to me was flawed and may have been hijacked by the PDP who like we already know is the Power party. Nothing will stop the defending champion from using every means necessary to retain her title and that could include letting the APC have the number of the highest registered party members to make them feel relaxed and let down their guards in the field of battle, (my POV).
The APC registration was never going to make the people relevant but was needed as a vehicle to give power to some select persons who have become disgruntled because the affairs of the country was now "not about them". Leadership must not be monopolized and on that premise, I will say the presidency being manned by a minority is a good thing, what I think is not good about it is the failings of the minority to make the desired impact.

~Too many godfathers. APC may tell you they have no godfathers and bla bla bla, but that we all know that is far from the truth. I half-watched the APC national convention, read news clippings before then, heard stories of the various rumblings by "supposed bigshots of the party", heard people's sincere analysis (analysis mostly from the vendor's stable), seen for myself the various strategies deployed to unseat PDP and I must say, the APC boat has too many Captains steering the helm. Close your eyes and imagine Captain John Sparrow battling the helm with Captains

~No inclusion of the Youths. APC was supposed to take advantage of the one thing the PDP never uses, the real Nigerian Youth. The real Nigeria Youth should be part of the building process of the party that way, the future becomes familiar to them even in the midst of the various unexpected occurrences that will always happen. The APC proved they will never be better as they sung by first making the youths stay by the sidelines and then calling some old goons youths. The world is changing and people are more concerned about the future they are part of than a future promised because the former is possible while the latter may never come.My POV?... the Ekiti Gubernatorial Election was not rigged, at least I should be a sensible Nigerian to agree that the people spoke and they got what they wanted, but the youths who are supposed to be the forerunners never spoke because they were spoken for. The people who voted were they old and the not people on social media. The people who called themselves the "youth" were the type that mostly are spoken for while the Youth as was expected never took their time to be part of that lie because like me, they have seen the emptiness behind the promises.
It is simple to understand that to be able to make decisions for oneself means that individual must have been in the position to accept themselves for who they truly are. A 35year old man staying with his parents and still getting his pocket money from them will never be a Youth in the real word, but a youthful rubbish of burden and disappointments.

~The APC is a party telling Nigerians they will make a difference but they have failed to let Nigerians see them as a Difference. The emergence of John Oyegun as the National Chairman is a big laugh for me because being from Edo State and being around during the Oyegun era makes it a big laugh, plus the process of the emergence of that man is also a laugh because there seemed to be no election whatsoever and the way these other guys stepped down? and then the biggest laugh was when Tom Ikimi went all out to wash the bloodied linen in public.

After this huge and very depressing disappointment especially at the failed popularity of the APC in the hearts of the common and ordinary Nigerians (in Ekiti state for now), I am more worried about the intentions being portrayed when the call is made for a CHANGE by APC or any other group. The cry about the inadequacies of the present leadership class (people) seems to be more than the cry towards the issues at hand, (Nigeria).

I still want a better Nigeria and I am very sure 2015 will be more a laugh for the APC if they continue like this. I will never be part of a dysfunctional group where ego overrides the desire to be of service to the people of Nigeria and knowing the devil at the time seems to be a better choice than the angel promised because we never know what kind of raiment this promised angel will fly in with.

My POV....If the people of Ekiti will still place their thumb and print it on the PDP logo after the *mass murder at the Immigration Interview, *the failure of the Govt to #BringBackOurGirls from Sambisa forest, *President Goodluck Jonathan dancing after the Nyanya bomb blast, *no account whatsoever of missing $20billion and *the high level of corruption in Nigeria where ministers have become demigods and dare Nigerians to do their worst, then the problem must be with APC and the people rallying for change and not PDP/GEJ I am afraid. You don't see the devil and still dine without a long spoon.

Respect for Elders is best and I will always never fail to accord the Elders the respect due them while I also expect the Elders to understand that an "unexpected rebirth" comes with the ageing process and knowing when to step aside is what nature will respect. 

Is APC the party for the New Nigeria we all are working and tweeting and writing and hoping for?

Is the PDP really unmovable, unbeatable, powerful, people oriented, or are we rooting for the wrong party?

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