Friday, September 13, 2013

Is Nigeria Ready?

Over the years, leaders have emerged from basically the thrones of wickedness and criminality to become the most feared and praised, (no thanks to the power of assassins, criminal insanity, strike, militancy, boko haram, PDP, factional PDP etc etc who will make you change your mind about them).

The Nigerian nation seems to be clamouring for something that seems closer than it is farther. We as a people must evidently show how aware we are of the fact that the change we so much sing about will come at a prize and that prize can be the lost of our freedom to be comfortable in pain, sacrifices of the good things of life, lost of life, deeper commitment to what you hold dear in order to be a nation builder and so many others.

I am not one to bring bad tidings to a people already used to being told the worst is not yet over, but I want to try and be that Nigerian who thinks there are those of us out there who will do the right things should we be given a chance to.
The chance at a better life lies in the hands of a few individuals who we so ignorantly push aside as not ideal because they have no understanding of what it takes to be a "team player" and a politician. We so see the ones who take our monies out of this nation and help other nations and continents become developed as the better person for the job because they allow us to see that they are "experienced" in the art of politicking and nation demolition instead of building.

Now, subject matter is who are we to be the makers or the destroyers of men? Who are we to judge and make the world see the dirty linens we so should be ashamed to display in our backyards talk less of our veranda? Who are we to pick a tribe over another simply because they have little or no material resources allocated by God to them?
Who are we to undermine the usefulness of the little or nothing potentials packaged in the smallest of packages?
Who are we to return to the Country of our birth from whom we have deprived prosperity and as to continue on a path to finally bring it to ruins?
Who are we to decide who has to contest for the office of stewardship in any nation?
Who are we to become racist in our own land where we share the same colour but different languages?
Who are we to pretend we are the father of the prodigal son and that he has the right to go astray and after having dinned with prostitutes and pigs can come back and expect to run into open arms?
Who are we to go around in circles and fail to see the hand that keeps drawing the lines?
Who are you to even think that this country is a place for you to display your criminality because you have succeeded in making policies that have forced the people to eat out your hands?
Who are you to think that providence should be exploited when you are aware that you will fail in a quest for others to truly appreciate the existence of Providence?
Who are we to think we are not ready to shed bloods and allow few heads to fly?
Who are we to think that there will be a saviour coming one day, possibly a Moses who fled years ago to come help a strong and united nation of 150,000,000 people get better?

Give it up Nigerians, manna do not fall from the Heavens any longer and waters are not struck from the rocks again and that is because we have in our own foolish quest for the cravings of evil created a god, CORRUPTION. Nigeria must change and we are the ones that will decide the path it treads on now henceforth. We are who we are despite the failings of the past and one cannot but truthfully appreciate that despite the fact that the forces of evil are all so present we can truthfully identify the Good standing by to be grabbed.

Nigeria is a child born of innocence, a child drawn towards good and the parents made the mistake of failing to put in that child the very essentials of the message in Proverbs 22:6. What about the message in Amos 3:3?

It is our ability as man to remember that sets us apart. We are the only species concerned with the past, our memories give us voice and they bear witness to history so that others might learn and celebrate our triumphs and be warned of our failures.

The question you should ask yourself is this.......After 50 years in the past and a horde of failures, will it take another Golden Jubilee to know we have been hanging on a foundation that was built on faults and selfishness? Are we really going to put our little children through the pains our parents put us through? Are we so foolish to allow some very few nonentities rob us of the milk that freely flows in our land? How many of our children should die in the wilderness because they want a better life in a land our monies and resources help develop?

When confronted by our own worst nightmares, the choices are few; fight or flight. we hope to find the strength to stand against our fears, but sometimes despite ourselves we run. And since this dispensation is our worst nightmare, will Nigerians still run away? What if the nightmare gives chase as usual, where can we hide?

Its 2013 on a Friday the many more years are we willing to play the fool? Are Nigerians ready for this?

Are you ready for this? Is Nigeria ready for this?

What do you think?

I am @ejemai

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