Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Humble President Goodluck Jonathan GCFR
BACK WHEN Goodluck Azikiwe Ebele Jonathan came into our consciousness after the untimely demise of President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, we missed something about him and were quickly to swallow his Humility and the seriously disturbing facial appearance of a man with a humble beginning. 
We took too quickly to this man without thinking and asking ourselves who this man was before he was picked to become the Deputy Governor of Bayelsa State; we only know stories of how he was a Deputy Governor under one of Nigerians most notorious governors “I have no shoes” story and as Nigerians we are (always drawn to the foolishness of sentimentality) we fell in love with the Ijaw King and we all sang his praise to high heavens, (unfortunately, the angels rejected the praises and we have landed in hell). 

The office of the president of a Nation is a challenging and stressful one and it doesn’t come easier than that. The office of the President of a Nation is saddled with the onerous responsibility of piloting the affairs of the country to profitability and wellness with the people living in peace, abundance and increase and for a Nation like Nigeria, we are supposed to be living like Kings and Queens, but the reverse is the case as you have to be a thief, militant, old rogue from way back before corruption became a familiar thing with us to be considered.

My worry at this particular period is the predictability of criminal stupidity associated with the Number One office in the land and if a video of the world’s dumbest criminals will ever be allowed to be compiled genuinely, we will have the face of GEJ and his cronies. 
You glaringly see and taste this stupidity that it actually leaves wound and some nasty cuts on your tongue. 

Policies that are set to undermine the sovereignty of the Nigerian Nation are being rolled out on daily basis and the man behind it all goes about talking as if he governs dummies and puppets (that could possibly be the case as we have become too used to the nonsense that most of it all now makes sad sense). 

President Goodluck Jonathan who unfortunately has been making some very selfish decisions of late has been known to favor criminals and that has ultimately earned him the title, “President d’ Criminals”. The appointment of persons of questionable characters to affairs of National capacity has become a past time of this administration, from Militants to First Republic rogues, from Killers to renowned tools of destruction from past administration, from the incompetent to the motherly prostitutes we have become used to, the President keeps raising the bar for Criminal Insanity and I doubt if there ever will be anyone to rival that record in the world.

And the President Prays
I am forced to question the upbringing of this man who painted a picture of humility and will never fail to keep his face in the most humble way ever and yet behind that facade of “I cannot hurt a fly”, he crushes giants and National worth.

 If humility is what we have in the person of the President, then I will never be caught on my knees praying to God to give me such. The President is humble and that speech has been used too often and that mostly makes us forget that there is something seriously wrong with the country.
The humility of the President is really disturbing and has become a cover up for looting and the raping of the nation’s resources.

The appointment of some men considered to be a blast from the past who have a vendetta against their inability to really loot the coffers of the country in the first republic is what has become the in thing of President Goodluck Jonathan and one wonders what wrong the youths and well learned young men and women with vibrant love and dedication to motherland did to deserve be excluded from nation building from within the corridors of power and are being made to babysit Ambassadors, Commissioners, Ministers, Governors, Chairmen, Presidents and just when you think we get to see young persons there, they are militants, ex thieves or pardoned killers.

It is high time the President stops being humbly deceitful and walking the talk to make way for a generation of really humble people who will do whatever it takes to protect the resources and wealth of the country, and maybe just one day, we will have a leader who will truly say>>>> "We believe that our youth are the backbone of the nation and the foundation on which to develop this noble civilization, unaffected by the wind of change, no matter how hard it blows."- Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai

The youths are supposed to be the corner stone of the nation and we see this working out very well for other countries who embraced this philosophy and from the words of Sheik Al Maktoum, we can only wish our dear Ijaw King takes a look at the happenings around and stop making our country a place for Senile Old men of Criminal Insanity and let nature run her cause to natural conclusive end.

This is Nigeria and it is not a country for Old men.

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